Medical Massage Team as a volunteer at The Commonwealth Games

Medical Massage Team as a volunteer at The Commonwealth Games
From the first shift until the last shift 15 days later I can honestly say it was a pleasure working in the Medical Massage Team for the Elite Athletes of the Commonwealth Games

We even got to meet Borobi a number of times.

Some of the Countries and Athletes that stand out in my memory like Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Seychelles, Trinidad, Uganda, Rwanda , Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada and many many more.

They stand out in my mind for lots of reasons but for mostly their warm and friendly approach to us and also how they thanked us each and every time we helped them. It really does make the long hours and effort all worth it.

If you have never Volunteered before I can really recommend it and it may not be for a big event like the Commonwealth however I am sure you will gain as much as I did.

I came away feeling much richer in life from mixing with like-minded professionals to mixing with the elite athletes to making new friends. I learned so much about my self in this process too which is just awesome, I learned that I am a good leader and that I have abilities that I had forgotten about. I can honestly say It’s one of the best things I have done of late and would recommend volunteering, maybe you could volunteer at a local hospice hospital , or old peoples home and give massage to those that need it. I know for sure I am now thinking of ways we can volunteer in our own community to help others that maybe don’t have the money for massage.

Massage is so beneficial not just for athletes but for all, it helps with stress, inflammation, anxiety and pain, so what better way to help others than to give them a gift of our time and our massage knowledge. Join me on a pledge to find ways to help others with massage! 


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